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Welcome to the most eccentric portfolio ever...

"taking the meaning of professionalism to new heights"

Please read below if you are to lazy to click the links provided above

This Portfolio is here to showcase my unique set of skills, to any potential employer. Yes the site itself may be a little “much” at times, but as stated in the “Footer” section it is my goal to make anyone who happens to view it laugh. All that out of the way, I’d like to start by saying “Thank you! Thank you, for your time and consideration!”

My name is Alex Ezzell and as you’ve learned by now I am a Full Stack Designer (and if you don’t know what that is by now, you may want to turn back to the home page to find out…spoilers…it’s magical…). I specialize in Website Design, Graphic Design, and Photography which of course are the three main portfolios on the site. Within these Portfolios you’ll find examples of my work, and any additional skills related to that category. My skill levels range from Mild to Wild and I like to think I’m a creative person, but that will be determined by you right?

Anyway now that I have given you a glimpse into who I am as a person, please scroll back up and click through the links above to go through my Portfolios. Thank you, once again and I hope that you enjoy the process of getting to know the me through this site.