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Welcome to my Photography Portfolio!

(Take a look at some of the people I shot!)

About my Photography!

Photography has always been a passion of mine. It is the capturing of a memory, or even a reminder of your achievements. Every photograph that I take, has been taken with the upmost care and creativity.  Making sure that everything in the photographs are as crisp as it could be, to making it feel like people are jumping out of the photographs at you is what I specialize in. Accounting for the sunlight, indoor light and balancing shutter and ISO for the perfect photograph every time. Details have always been my number one priority, and they always will be! Hopefully below in the following examples you will be able to clearly see that, Enjoy!

The Nursing Graduate 🎓

To the Right is a College Graduate who majored in Nursing. I had the honor of helping her and her family remember this incredible milestone in her life. She will look back at this pictures perhaps for the rest of her life and smile reflecting on what she has accomplished in her life. 

The Race Cars 🏎 💨

To the Left you’ll find an assortment of car photography. This is for sure one one my passions. I’m a car person at heart and love to share that experience with others. In this gallery your going to find pretty much all Ford Mustangs…Regardless I will be able to look back at these pictures for years even after the cars are gone.

Photo Manipulation

While I prefer to get everything as good as I can during a photoshoot, it’s never perfect. This is where Utilizing Photoshop CC comes in handy. Having the ability to correct skin tones or scratches and dents in cars is extremely beneficial when the client is expecting a flawless image. Notice the extreme detail involved in the Porsche to the right, subtracting out the stickers on the car and lights in the reflection of the windows gives you more of a front and center view of the car.

When it comes to editing people, sometimes getting the skin tone right in camera can be a bit tricky. In the last two before and after pictures of the two boys, you can see I corrected the tones in the picture while retaining the natural appearance of the fall background. It’s also worth mentioning that neither of the boys felt like smiling a lot after a long photoshoot, this wasn’t a problem either as I was able to correct it, while still keeping a natural facial expression and without it looking warped or twisted in any way.